12Ships Team announces officially that the TSHP token has been launched on the ChainSwap cross-chain platform and has been additionally deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
👋Hello 12Ships Sailors!
12Ships Team announces officially that the TSHP token has been launched on the ChainSwap cross-chain platform and has been additionally deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to apply to diversified application scenarios in different blockchain ecosystems. Users can freely convert tokens according to their own needs.
About ChainSwap
ChainSwap is a cross-chain asset bridge & application hub for smart chains. ChainSwap allows projects to seamlessly bridge between ETH, BSC and HECO. In the future ChainSwap will be integrating chains and provide full cross-chain solutions between BTC, DOT, SOL and more.
📖A Tutorial on How to Convert TSHP ERC-20 to TSHP BEP-20 Step by Step.
👉Firstly, Preparatory Work.
1. Install the MetaMask Wallet and Deposit TSHP Tokens.
Before starting the ChainSwap cross-chain, we recommend installing the MetaMask wallet extensions in Chrome browser. After the wallet has been installed and your account is created, deposit your TSHP ERC-20 tokens to your wallet address.
Please note that you need to manually add TSHP tokens to the MetaMask wallet to display your balance. Click “Add Token” on the wallet page, then click “Custom Token”, and enter the contract address of TSHP ERC-20 is: 0x525794473f7ab5715c81d06d10f52d11cc052804
Click “Next” and then click “Add Token”.
2. Manually Add the BSC Network to the MetaMask Wallet.
The default network of MetaMask wallet is Ethereum Mainnet, click the network drop-down list and click “Custom RPC” to manually add a new network with the following parameters, then click “Save” .
- Network Name: BSC
- New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
- Chain ID: 56
- Symbol: BNB
- Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
👉Secondly, Complete TSHP cross-chain from Ethereum network to BSC network.
1. Connect the Wallet
1.1 Open the website: https://exchange.chainswap.com/, connect your MetaMask wallet, click the purple button “Connect Wallet” which on the top right corner or the middle of the web page.
1.2 After clicking the button, a wallet options window pops up and we suggest you select the MetaMask wallet.
1.3 You need to find the MetaMask wallet Chrome extension in the upper right corner of Chrome browser, then click the MetaMask icon, and a prompt will pop up (as shown below). Select the wallet account that contains TSHP tokens. Click “Next” to proceed forward; then click “Connect” to complete the wallet connection.
2. For the first cross-chain execution, the “Approve” function of the contract is called to grant the permission to allow ChainSwap withdraw TSHP and automate transactions for you.
2.1 On the Chainswap homepage, you are supposed to find TSHP in the token drop-down list and select it. Cross-chain setting: “From” is ETH, “To” is BSC, then click “Approve” to grant the permission to allow ChainSwap withdraw TSHP and automate transactions for you.
2.2 a message will prompt on MetaMask in the upper right corner of the page, open it and click “Confirm” to allow the site to withdraw and trade the TSHP. (The screenshot showed below is for your reference only, that the transaction fee was $8.76(the transaction fee may changes automatically in real time according to the network difficulty)
2.3 Go back to the Cross Chain Bridge page, you can see that it’s in the state of Approving. (If you have been caught in this state for a long time, it is recommended that you can enter the MetaMask wallet and find the “Approve” in the queue of “Activity” to check it. If it is still pending, click “Speed Up” to add some gas fee.)
3. Congrats! 🎉After Approved successfully, let’s convert TSHP ERC-20 into TSHP BEP-20 token now!
3.1 The button “Approve” changes to “Deposit in ETH Chain”, now you are supposed to click this button.
3.2 Click “Confirm” in the pop-up window, and it will automatically turns to the wallet page of MetaMask.
3.3 As the screenshot showed below, the total Gas Fee and service charge of cross chain is 0.005764ETH, which is about $15.64, for your reference only. And you are supposed to click “Confirm”. (If your transaction is in the state of pending for a long time, you are recommended to speed it up as mentioned in Step 2.3 above.)
3.4 Now your TSHP ERC-20 tokens have been locked into an appointed address belong to ChainSwap, and then click “Claim List” to claim the corresponding number of TSHP BEP-20 tokens.
3.5 Now in the Claim List, you are supposed to select TSHP.
3.6 Click “Claim”.
3.7 Now the wallet window will pop up automatically, and you need to cilck “Switch Network” to allow the wallet to Switch from ETH Network to BSC Network.
3.8 After the wallet network switched to BSC, click “Withdraw on BSC Chain”.
3.9 While the wallet page pops up again, click “Confirm” to complete the conversion from TSHP ERC-20 tokens to TSHP BEP-20 tokens.
For now, the conversion from TSHP ERC-20 to TSHP BEP-20 has been completed. While TSHP will not automatically appear in the wallet balance, so we need to manually add the tokens.
4. Add Tokens Manually
Click “Add Token” on the MetaMask wallet, and click “Custom Token”. Then entering the contract address of TSHP BEP-20: 0x61b5ebb791a71af7548755f88971138064037d8f
Click “Next” and then click “Add Token”.
At this point, you have successfully added the TSHP BEP-20 tokens, and the amount of TSHP assets is visible in your wallet balance.
Tutorial of TSHP Switch from BSC to Ethereum.
You can do the reverse switch from BSC network back to the Ethereum network referring to the steps above.
About 12Ships
12Ships is a blockchain platform which focuses on cryptocurrency mining and staking. By providing high-yield, high-performance mining infrastructure, 12Ships makes it as easy as possible for investors to participate in the blockchain mining investment, including ASIC mining products, Filecoin mining machines, mining pool, staking pool, etc.
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