12Ships Monthly Report-February 2021

3 min readMar 12, 2021


[Press Time: Mar 12th, 2021]

Crypto Market Overview

1. In March 2020, the South Korean National Assembly passed new legislation that paved the way for the regulation and legalization of cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges. This action was taken in recognition of the burgeoning growing cryptocurrency ecosystem even in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic. The legislation was designed to oversee an emerging industry and develop rules around anti-money laundering processes.

2. There’s currently an explosion happening in NFTs, which can be thought of as blockchain-based title deeds to a digital artifact. NFTs are basically digital collectibles. They can represent things (like tweets, real estate, real-world assets, etc.) or they can be the things (like art). The trend is a carry-on from things like the original CrypoKitties phenomenon in 2017, with the technology (Ethereum’s ERC-721 token standard) later morphing its way deep into the world of digital art.

Project Update

Marketing & Operation

  1. We are pleased to announce our significant progress in Filecoin mining in the past month. After a period of R&D, our Filecoin miners have been running steadily now. And we have further plans on the deployment of more Filecoin miners.
(Source: filfox.info)

For now, one of our miners whose address is f0155050 has already attained 7.55 PiB adjusted power as shown above. As its full storage power will be 7.6 PiB, the expected daily rewards are around 788 FIL (~$33,395 USD).

2. 12Ships Community-Lunar New Year Event from February 10 to February 24, 2021. And 5 winners get store gift vouchers worth 50,000 won per person. (https://cobak.co.kr/community/1/post/456691)

3. Due to the disclosure rules of Upbit that only the big and newly updated project news can be published there, 12Ships gets cooperation with Xangle for more information disclosure and update. And the 12Ships monthly reports will be officially published on Medium and Xangle hereafter.

Hansando Pool

1. 12Ships team has finished the buyback&burn of 793,411.87 TSHP via dex.chickenswap.org in accordance with 12Ships monthly reports from November 2020 to January 2021 , with totally $8,535.44 USDT, the net mining profit of Hansando pool in the past three months. The Upbit disclosure:https://assets.ctfassets.net/nbz02hpjrwl3/1b3X8ByAfsLcUrDlMDDo4A/09391977577561a8780166a4d327483c/TSHP_01.pdf

2. From Feb 1st 2021 to Feb 28th 2021, Hansando Pool mined XVG, RVC, and some other cryptos totally valued at $33,983. After subtracting electric bill and daily operation & development expenses, we plan to use $3,500, a part of the net profit, to buy back and burn TSHP. The burning TXID will be disclosed on Upbit and Xangle after completion.

Community Development

  1. Community Members
  • Twitter Followers: 3977 (820 newly increased)
  • Fans in Kakao Talk: 560 (70 newly increased)
  • Fans in Telegram group: 1407

2. 12Ships team launched 12Ships Junior Sailor Program to engage more blockchain enthusiasts all over the world as translators and promotion ambassadors in our community. Now we are collecting the application forms online If you can make some translation, write articles or make videos about 12Ships, submit your application here: https://forms.gle/DhL28PYqinvysTTq8

About 12Ships

12Ships is a cryptocurrency-mining backed blockchain platform that makes your journey to blockchain investment AS EASY AS POSSIBLE by providing profitable and high-performance mining infrastructure. 12Ships focuses on technology-driven development of a mining ecosystem including ASIC mining machines, Filecoin mining machines, mining pool, and public chain.

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