12Ships Official

12ships will make your journey to crypto mining AS EASY AS POSSIBLE

12Ships Monthly Report: October 2021


[Press time: Monday, November 10, 2021]


  • Based on the proceeds of Hansando pool in October 2021, 12Ships Foundation determined to buy back 1,000,000 TSHP from the exchange market and permanently burn them. The TXID for the token incineration will be disclosed after completion.
  • According to the 12Ships monthly report of September 2021, 12Ships team has finished the buyback of 1,000,000 TSHP and burned them all up.

TSHP Burn Txid: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x78efe2842c50fd578c771795eae8b0c279b92305eafbbb9014b167d5caa25b50


  • As one of the Notaries in Filecoin Ecosystem, we have done our due diligence to review and approve one request of Large Dataset and one requests of DataCap from Asia minus GCN region in October.


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  • Members in Turkish Community (Telegram): 77

About 12Ships

12Ships is a cryptocurrency-mining backed blockchain platform that makes your journey to the blockchain investment AS EASY AS POSSIBLE by providing profitable and high-performance mining infrastructure. 12Ships is focusing on technology-driven development of a mining ecosystem including ASIC mining machines, Filecoin mining machines, mining pool and staking pool.

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Published in 12Ships Official

12ships will make your journey to crypto mining AS EASY AS POSSIBLE


Written by 12Ships

12ships will make your journey to the crypto mining AS EASY AS POSSIBLE

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